1. There is a minimum order of 250 labels.
  2. Costs for labels excludes postage as quoted.
  3. There is no VAT as part of the cost for labels or postage.
  4. Dorset Label order forms must be signed by an authorised member of staff, and have a customer purchase order number.
  5. Once a label proof has been approved delivery will be within 5 working days.
  6. Payment must be received within 30 days of the date of invoice. Overdue invoices will incur a daily interest charge of 4% above current base rate after the 30 days. If more than 60 days late then an additional £10 charge will be incurred.


At Dorset Labels we value our customers and are committed to protecting your privacy. Any information we collect about you is held with the utmost care and security.

You will be asked to register your name, address, telephone number and email address to submit your order.

The information you provide is used to fulfil your orders, ensuring it will be delivered correctly and to maintain your account.

We ask for your contact details, such as your email address and telephone number, to enable us to answer any questions you have.

We do not provide your personal details to other companies or individuals for their marketing purposes.


You have the right to be forgotten at any time.

This can be achieved by contacting us directly at info@dorsetlabels.com.

The Right To Be Forgotten is completely free of charge.



We take protecting your data very seriously and abide by the Working Party Article 29. The definition of a data breach is: “a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed”.

Should this breach ever occur we will abide by Article 33 and inform the supervisory authority (European Data Protection Supervisor) of the data breach within 72 hours of becoming aware of it. The supervisor will then inform individuals if there is a risk, what the risk is and how to protect themselves from this risk.